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Someone sent me this link the other day via email. It’s hard to believe but people still get salty about my “why your burger sucks” post.

I guess the anonymous sender wanted to inform me of how Gordon Ramsay cooks a perfect burger, and since he has Michelin stars and deep chin wrinkles I’m somehow supposed to be persuaded.

Unfortunately appeals to an authority don’t always work, and although I would definitely reference Ramsay if I were aiming for a star rating from a renowned tire company, I can’t go quite as far as to say he made the “perfect” burger. Besides the dude is British, which means he probably prefers tea over coffee. That alone brings all credibility into question. Sorry, not sorry.

I won’t lie though, in between my JW Black with lemon La Croix and watching Season 1 of Unsolved Mysteries on Amazon Prime I skimmed through the video clip. Here’s my thoughts on the matter…

His choice of blend is a good combination but I can’t comprehend why he added egg as a binder. Unless you are mixing your meat with other ingredients (i.e. Meatloaf, meatballs, etc.) there shouldn’t be any issues of your meat falling apart so I feel this is an entirely unnecessary step. A burger patty should be unadulterated beef seasoned with salt and pepper just before cooking. Every time. 24/7. Don’t fuck with me on this.

Ramsay doesn’t like raw onion on a burger? A combination as old as time? If it’s good enough for Peter Luger it’s good enough for me.

I still stand behind my prior comment that burgers should either be cooked on a flat top grill or a cast iron pan. I understand the depth of flavor that a wood grill/charcoal can bring but I’m not a big fan and regardless you will never get that seared, crispy, fat rendered crust you achieve from a flat searing surface.